What is JSR?


Jones Student Radio is the only school radio station in CPS! We are a student-led club and this is our first full year operating at Jones. JSR is an online station with a variety of music and talk segments recorded and produced by Jones' students. Our goal is to connect our school community through conversations around music, local and community events, sports, and whatever else!  

What Can I Do?

-If you are currently a student at Jones you can host your own segment by filling out a segment interest form and coming to a meeting to learn the basics. Join our google classroom for more information about meetings!

-If you're not a student but you want to get involved, we are on the lookout for donated CDs and music files. You can email one of our founders if you want to help out.

Friends of Jones!

Jones Student Radio is sponsored by Friends of Jones. Our segments would not be made possible without their help. Thank you, Friends of Jones!